Wine blog

Vin til Stenbiderrogn - Byd foråret velkommen.

Vin til Stenbiderrogn - Byd foråret velkommen.

Foråret byder på en særlig delikatesse, som vi kun kan nyde i en kort periode – stenbiderrogn. De små, lyserøde perler er en sand nordisk delikatesse, som med sin fine...

Vin til Stenbiderrogn - Byd foråret velkommen.

Foråret byder på en særlig delikatesse, som vi kun kan nyde i en kort periode – stenbiderrogn. De små, lyserøde perler er en sand nordisk delikatesse, som med sin fine...

Vin til simremad

Wine for slow-cooked dishes

The cold season invites slow-cooked dishes full of richness, dark nuances, and deep, wonderful flavors.These long-cooked dishes go by many names: slow food, comfort food, and stews. They are dishes...

Wine for slow-cooked dishes

The cold season invites slow-cooked dishes full of richness, dark nuances, and deep, wonderful flavors.These long-cooked dishes go by many names: slow food, comfort food, and stews. They are dishes...

Vin-turen går til Italien

The wine tour goes to Italy

We have been on a getaway to wonderful Italy. Italy is of course known for their heavenly food scene, but they are also known for their production of exquisite wine....

The wine tour goes to Italy

We have been on a getaway to wonderful Italy. Italy is of course known for their heavenly food scene, but they are also known for their production of exquisite wine....


Wine as a gift

You know it - it's Friday and you're going to a reception, birthday, dinner with friends or something else. And what should you take with you? Many of us rush...

Wine as a gift

You know it - it's Friday and you're going to a reception, birthday, dinner with friends or something else. And what should you take with you? Many of us rush...

Hvilken vin til nytår?

Which wine for New Year?

If there's one night of the year when many enjoy a glass (or more) of champagne, it must be New Year's Eve. Champagne is a faithful companion as we transition...

Which wine for New Year?

If there's one night of the year when many enjoy a glass (or more) of champagne, it must be New Year's Eve. Champagne is a faithful companion as we transition...

Hvilken vin skal jeg drikke juleaften?

Which wine should I drink on Christmas Eve?

If there’s one season when we’re asked the most about wine, it’s undoubtedly the lead-up to Christmas. Christmas is important to us Danes, and we all want it to be...

Which wine should I drink on Christmas Eve?

If there’s one season when we’re asked the most about wine, it’s undoubtedly the lead-up to Christmas. Christmas is important to us Danes, and we all want it to be...